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Explanation of Rates Calling Tunisia via Access Numbers

Call charges for calling Tunisia from UK

This page covers several topics related to call charges and pricing for access numbers used in making international calls. It also links to other related topics. The page provides useful information about potential hidden charges for free (inclusive) calls, explains service charge and access charge parts of the pricing for access numbers used in making low cost calls to Tunisia.

What do you need to know about providers of low cost calls to Tunisia

All providers listed here are offering low cost telephone calls from a fixed UK landline to the landline and mobile number in another country or the United Kingdom (sometimes it's cheaper to call another UK number this way). All providers, compared on Call Rates Scanner website, offer low cost calls by means of providing fixed line access numbers. These access numbers (non geographic numbers) have to be dialled prior to dialling the actual phone number in Tunisia that you wish to call. All listed providers do not require any subscription or a contract, prepayment or PIN to remember - you just dial the access number and then full international number in Tunisia, i.e. the long number starting with 00216. There are other ways to call Tunisia, however this site currently only compares the kind of low cost international call providers that offer no-subscription access numbers. This type of low cost calls service is also known as instant access, dial through or call through. Note that, although the access numbers presented here will also work with UK mobile phones, it is normally cheaper to use them for international calls made from a fixed UK landline. There are other cheap call providers that optimise for calls from a mobile. Usually they require some form of subscription or initial set up.

Related help topics:
Call costs for access numbers to Tunisia
Phone line provider access charge
FAQ & Related Information for Calling Tunisia from UK

Call costs for access numbers to Tunisia

When you're calling Tunisia from the United Kingdom phone line (landline or mobile) via access numbers, you are charged in two parts, access charge and service charge (see this Ofcom article for more information). The access charge part of the call cost is going to your phone line company (BT, Talk Talk, Sky, Virgin, etc.), and the service charge part of the cost is going to the the owner of the access number that you use to call Tunisia, in this case it is the provider of low cost international calls (e.g. one of 74 providers compared on Call Rates Scanner website ).

The access charge for calls to 08 and 09 numbers is different for each phone line company. The access charge tariffs for landline or mobile phone line providers is listed in help section, Phone line provider access charge. The service charge for calls to 08 numbers is between 0p and 15p per minute. The service charge for calls to 09 numbers can be as little as 5p per minute and can cost over 1 pound. The value of service charge is fixed to each access number and rarely changes. The table that compares all available rates on Tunisia page lists access numbers and their respective service charge. When you see call rates for Tunisia, you also need to add the access charge. More on this below in help section below, Phone line provider access charge, and in the general help pages, Call charges explained..

Let us illustrate the above by an example. The access charge part of the price - the part that is retained by the telephone operator - varies between telephone operators of your landline (such as BT, TalkTalk, Sky, Virgin, etc.), their call plans, type of an access number called (e.g. starting with 0870 or 0845 or 0911, and so on). For example, BT charges 11p access charge (as of July 2016), Sky charges 11.5p (as of April 2017), Virgin charges 11.25p (as of November 2016), whereas TalkTalk charges 7.5p.

To summarise, if you make a call to Tunisia from a BT landline, using 5 p/min access number and it takes you 1 minute to dial your destination number, after which you wait for someone to pick up the phone for another minute before giving up - you may be charged 11p + 5p + 5p = 21p just for trying. On the other hand, if you do the same but manage to talk to someone on the other end for 5 minutes, then you will be charged 11p + 5p + 5p + 5x5p = 46p for 5 minute call (which works out as 9.2 p/min).

Alternatively, if you dial Tunisia, using BT line directly, it will cost you nothing to try, but the moment someone picks up the phone on the other end, you will be charged 75.0p per minute, plus the connection charge of 19.0p (Tunisia is in pricing band B, according to BT article on international call rates (from 19 September 2016). Therefore, if you end up talking to the number in Tunisia for 5 minutes, then you will be charged 19.0p + 5x75.0 = 394.0p (which works out as 78.8 p/min).

Related help topics:
Phone line provider access charge
How free are inclusive minutes to 0845, 0870 access numbers to call Tunisia
How much are you charged to make a call and by whom?

Related Government Articles:
Call costs guide - Ofcom
Call charges and phone numbers - GOV.UK
Ofcom | Ask us - Telephone - What is UK Calling?

Phone line provider access charge

Below are the access charge tariffs for landline and mobile phone companies as well as public payphone. This is one of the two parts of the call cost for dialing the access number for low cost calls to Tunisia. The tariffs are for non-business users and inclusive of VAT. Please note, companies constantly adjust their charges, visit your phone line provider web site (links are provided in the tables below) for up to date access charge tariffs to non geographical service numbers.

Related help topics:
Call costs for access numbers to Tunisia
How free are inclusive minutes to 0845, 0870 access numbers to call Tunisia
How much are you charged to make a call and by whom?

Landline Phone Providers

CompanyAccess ChargeDetails
Greenbee Telecom9.58p/minarrow_forward
John Lewis9.58p/minarrow_forward
KC (Kingston)9.5p/minarrow_forward
Post Office9.5p/minarrow_forward
SSE / SWALEC6.9p/minarrow_forward
The Phone Coop7.2p/minarrow_forward
Utility Warehouse9p/minarrow_forward
Virgin Media11.25p/minarrow_forward
Vodafone Home Phone11p/minarrow_forward

Mobile Phone Providers

CompanyAccess ChargeDetails
Asda Mobile8p/minarrow_forward
Delight Mobile25p/minarrow_forward
Lyca Mobile23p/minarrow_forward
Post Office30p/minarrow_forward
Sainsburys Mobile15p/minarrow_forward
Talk Mobile15p/minarrow_forward
Tesco Mobile25p/minarrow_forward
The People’s Operator (PAYG)5p/minarrow_forward
The People’s Operator (Monthly)35p/minarrow_forward
The Phone Coop21p/minarrow_forward
Three (3)45p/minarrow_forward
Utility Warehouse20p/minarrow_forward
Virgin Media (PAYG)36p/minarrow_forward
Virgin Media (Monthly)45p/minarrow_forward
White Mobile8p/minarrow_forward

Payphone Provider

Payphone charges are structured somewhat differently, compared to calling access numbers via landline and mobile providers. It is priced around the concept of time units, worth 10 pence. These time units are different for different access numbers. There is also a minimum fee of 60p, which includes a 40p connection charge and two 10p units of time. This fee applies to calls from all BT public payphones. Thereafter call time is purchased in 10p units. This price structure is valid at all times of day. All prices include VAT.

For example, the 10p time unit for 0845 access numbers is 1 minute long (see the table on the right below), so 60p will be sufficient for a 1 minute call to a 0845 access number, 80p will be sufficient for 2 minutes call, and 1 pound will get you 3 minutes talk time. The table lists some of the 08 and 09 numbers that low cost call providers use. The second column shows the talk duration of the 10p time unit for each number, i.e. how much talk time 10p buys for the given access number, as it is outlined by BT. We also added a third column that calculates the price of the call from payphone in more useful terms, pence per minute. Please do not forget to add 40p connection charge to the latter.

Access Numbersec per 10pp per min
0800 freefree
0808 freefree
0843 3020
0844 3020
0845 3020
0870 1250
0871 1250
0872 1250
0873 1250
090 1.50400
091 1.50400
098 1.50400

How free are inclusive minutes to 0845, 0870 access numbers to call Tunisia

Call charges can be confusing. Help section, Call costs for access numbers to Tunisia, explains how each charge is divided in two parts which you pay to your phone line provider (such as BT, TalkTalk, Sky, Virgin, etc.) and the low cost international call provider (the holder of 08 access number which you dial prior to dialing your number in Tunisia). Call Rates Scanner does not charge you anything. This is a free comparison site - it simply compares providers of low cost calls and aims to present the cheapest prices and access numbers in a convenient way. For example, page with cheap calls to Tunisia shows access numbers from all providers, ordered by price, and includes additional information such as sound quality of a call and reliability of each low cost call provider. The page can also switch to the mode of free inclusive calls via 0845 and 0870 access numbers, which is useful if you have inclusive calls package with your phone line provider. In this case, the international call to Tunisia may be completely free.

But who pays for numbers that are included in your call plan package? Ultimately you do. You are probably paying an additional monthly charge for inclusive minutes package or you were offered a deal that bundles other services and throws in unlimited minutes to all or some of these numbers: 01, 02, 03, 0845, 0870. Once you have paid for the package, the calls are truly free. Normally, you are not charged either service charge or access charge of the call you make. This is a subject to several legal points (calls must not last longer than 59 minutes, fair usage policy applies, etc.). However, the basic answer is that calls to access numbers that start with 01, 02, 03, 0845, 0870 are completely free to subscribers of the inclusive calls package. Most landline providers (and some mobile line providers) offer two packages: inclusive calls to national numbers (01, 02, 03) and inclusive calls to national and premium numbers (01, 02, 03 and 0845, 0870), the latter may also be called service numbers.

Careful, there is an increasing number of landline providers who try to exclude 0845 and 0870 access numbers from their "inclusive minutes calling plan" if they discover that the number is one of the access numbers (or dial through numbers) used to make international calls to Tunisia or other destinations abroad. For example, BT has a clause in their calling plan, saying that the plan excludes "calls to dial-up internet, calling card and dial-through access numbers". The reality, however, is that they don't keep track of such numbers. Moreover, low cost call providers regularly rotate the numbers. Therefore, this clause is more akin to get-out clause, allowing phone providers to charge the user again, who is already paying for the inclusive calls package. However, phone providers must prove that this 0845 or 0870 number dialed was used as dial-through access number. This means that you have to be aware that you potentially may be charged full price by your landline or mobile phone provider for those numbers.

Related help topics:
Call costs for access numbers to Tunisia
How much are you charged to make a call and by whom?
How to find free calls to Tunisia with inclusive minutes to 0845, 0870 numbers
How to make free calls to Tunisia with inclusive minutes to 0845, 0870 numbers

Calling Tunisia using landline phone vs mobile phone vs payphone

All providers that Call Rates Scanner compares, offer cheap calls via direct access numbers which need to be dialled prior to dialling the actual phone number in Tunisia. This means that there is no need to sign up, register or remember any PIN codes. Any of the access numbers, shown on this website, allow you to make cheap international calls anytime with no account or pre-payment. Just find the correct access number for Tunisia and dial whenever you want. You must have the bill payer's permission before calling. The calls will appear on your normal bill from your phone company (BT, Virgin, Talk Talk, etc.), usually split by access charge and service charge. If there is an international destination on your bill rather than the access number, this means that you have not used the benefits of calling Tunisia by dialing access number first. You must dial one of the relevant access numbers prior to dialing the number in Tunisia to take advantage of cheap calls. More information on this can be found in general help section How to make a call using access numbers?. Usually, calling Tunisia from the fixed UK landline is the cheapest way. This is because access charge of the call is normally cheaper for fixed landline providers. You can still call Tunisia from the mobile phone, however the access charge is usually higher than that of a fixed landline. Usually, but not always. Some mobile providers are cheaper than some of the landline providers. Access charges by each provider are listed in help section, Phone line provider access charge. You can also make a call to Tunisia, using 08 and 09 access numbers from the payphone, but the pricing structure is very different so the total call cost would much higher, especially for calls that last around 5 minutes or less, and especially if access number used starts with 09 (please refer to help section, Payhone provider, for detailed pricing). If you have inclusive minutes package with your landline or mobile line provider, then calls may be free.

Related help topics:
Call costs for access numbers to Tunisia
How much are you charged to make a call and by whom?
Landline provider access charge
Mobile provider access charge
Payhone provider charges
FAQ & Related Information for Calling Tunisia from UK